About Me

I've known for a long time that I'm a talented writer but, haven't done anything about it. To be frank, I'm quite embarrassed about it.

However, if I'm going to get anywhere in this fast-paced, social media savvy world I'm going to have to step out of my comfort zone. So, let's do this!

Allow me to properly introduce myself... My name is Denzel Gargar and I've been playing the fashion game for a very long-time. How long? Well, the sense of fashion is a part of my DNA. The earliest time I remember making a statement was in grade 2, when I rocked up in the freshest pair of Puma kicks. Since then, I wore the shoes no one else had and the clothes no one else dared to wear.

Fun fact: my wardrobe centres around 1 idea, 'Stand out and be different.' This is what I set out to achieve, influence the world not to follow the mainstream and just be themselves.

Join me on this new venture. Do whatever you must to keep up-to-date with the latest posts, i.e. subscribe to the blog or even follow me on Instagram. I'd love for your support.


