Interested in Collaborating?

It's crazy to think that people are still not aware of what I do. You would think that because I post about my new ventures in the fashion world people would get it. But no. So, for your information I'm now venturing into becoming a stylist.

The above video is some behind the scenes footage from my most recent collaboration with Dannandco. The images are currently being edited and will be released when ready.

This is proof that I'm a stylist. And if you're interested in collaborating with me, please e-mail me at I will be quick to respond.

If you're unfamiliar, I am Gold Coast based which means a trip to Melbourne, Sydney or somewhere overseas is extremely unlikely... unless you're willing to pay for my flights and accomodation I'm in!

*special announcement: GOD GIVEN TALENT will be making a huge comeback in a way you've never imagined, and I'm looking for business-minded and/or creative people to collaborate with and be a part of it.
